C is for Closure. The closure is something that anyone in a separation, divorce, or any break-up; closure is important for moving on.
Many ask how I will ever feel closure.
Can there be closure if there are children involved?
Does it re-open wounds when still talking to your ex?
Those are just a few questions you may be pondering when it comes to closure. The answer
is that it just depends on your situation. (A sucky solution, but it is so proper)
Our advice is to start with the little things that can begin to bring you closure. Start disposing of items that bring up the past, whether it's dishes, a journal, jewelry, clothing, or photos that, if you look at them, do not bring you a happy memoir – LET IT GO!
Reminiscing about the good times is fantastic, and you will get there, but when you seek closure, sometimes you need to move through the memories to recover.
As you have seen, we love lists – here’s one that can guide you:
Be honest with yourself and let yourself feel the transition to closure.
Work up to being able to have a normal conversation with your ex.
Take care of yourself – seek out therapy if you have not already.
Journal your feelings; once you have closure, shred the journal and do not look back.
Detach yourself from the feelings if you can; think of looking at yourself from the outside and assessing your path to closure.
Live in the moment and not in the past. This can be therapeutic; think of what you are doing now. An example I have given is simple things like, right now, I am brushing my teeth and being in that moment.
MEDITATE: I can not express this enough. Meditation can help you move to the closure you want.
Here are some other helpful articles on the closure:
How to Get Closure after a Split by the Huffington Post
How to get closure after a break up by Marriage.com