With so many methods of communication these days, it is a wonder that we do not miss some of the essential information from the day, whether it is a call or text, or DM through another messaging app.
According to text messaging statistics, adults under 45 y/o send and receive approximately more than 85 texts each day. That is a lot of activity and brain time responding, and this also causes some unnecessary anxiety, feeling pressure to answer.
Then we come down to making new connections with people, and you finally get to the next stage, and it fizzles, or they do not know what to say. What I am talking about is where an old school phone would ring, with hopes the one you want to be on the other line, yet it's your Grandparents or Parents.
Now comes the boom, we are back to when will she text me back or when will he text me back. Next, we had a great exchange of information and not even a whisper.
Then you wonder, did I say something wrong? I was just excited to talk to this person, and now you can hear crickets in the room, which is the worst.
I'm writing about this topic which can create excitement or damn right disappointment.
Connections, i.e., genuine relationships, are hard to find post-divorce; when you do, you want to hang out and be with those people or persons. Then for some reason, unknown people stop talking to you via text or messenger.
Shame on them for leaving you in a search, like those phone calls you received as a kid (i.e., they finally called). In today's world, your heart may jump at a text - just the same.
However, if someone is not mature enough to text you back, run. Run far you deserve better, and hell, you get too many messages a day anyway - make the most of the conversations with people that care. Be strong, and refrain from seeking reassurance from the incapable.